The kid says it was about free speech. It had to be at least 50% shit-stirring. I don't think it should be a very big deal, but come on. He knew he was going to push someone's buttons.
What did he hangt the banner from, is my question.
I'd say closer to 100% shit-stirring and button pushing from the kid who started it, but I still think he was a pawn. Something unrelated to the kid's rights (Wait a minute - he was a minor. How can he have Rights?
) shoved this thing to the top. My main point is that it is not a Federal issue, but it should be a local issue and, even more properly, a per school issue. Obviously, we can't have kids "promoting" Bong Hits, but the fact that the case went to the Supreme Court makes me suspect that there was some manipulative precedent setting going on and I further suspect that it was Right Wingnuts on both sides of the fight. I've read a translated version of Mein Kampf enough to see way too many similarities to the "dressing and preparation" of youth towards a goal, which most of us can't bear to think about.
I tried to find something about where he had hung the banner with no luck, but that part of the story is pretty old. Maybe Lucifer is on the money.