OK, I lost the weight I wanted to. Now to choose between continuing to diet and seeing how low I can get my weight, or *not* having this turn into a dangerous eating disorder. Hmm.
I'd go with the NOT. Remember that starving the body means starving the brain.
And it will make you unattractive on top of that too.
Then you'll have lost both the brains and the looks.
*nod* I like the difference I see from ten pounds or so heavier to now, but I don't think I could drop more than a couple pounds more before I started to worry about myself. I'm not worried about straight-up body-size-based eating disorder so much as "OK, I need to not make 'being the exact lowest weight I can be before I am no longer at a healthy BMI' a goal because
I am a really effing goal-driven person."
Furtunately I not only don't want to eff myself up but also I think food is yummy so I have that working in my favor too.
OK, I lost the weight I wanted to. Now to choose between continuing to diet and seeing how low I can get my weight, or *not* having this turn into a dangerous eating disorder. Hmm.
I'd go with the NOT. Remember that starving the body means starving the brain.
I know. Honestly I've been kinnnnda wondering if my depression's been exacerbated by the diety thing the last several months, except I felt just as unhappy when I was overeating all the time.
Also I just looked it up to confirm; depending what chart you look at I can't lose more than 4-6 lbs without going from skinny to medically unhealthy. Iiiii.... am gonna grab some more M&Ms.