No I don't think they're gonna try again. Too risky. She went in again today to get checked out and is fine.
What does this all mean? I mean what happens when she is in season? I don't want that to happen. She's my fluffy little baby, she doesn't do The Sex 
• Your cat becomes more affectionate than usual
• Your cat rolls around the floor
• Your cat carries her tail to one side.
• Your cat becomes very vocal and meows a lot. (This is where the term 'Calling' comes from) This vocalisation can become very noisy with loud yowls day and night. Her voice may become more piercing than usual.
• Your cat assumes a position with her front quarters on the ground and her bottom pointing in the air.
• Your cat's hind legs may 'tread'
• Your cat licks her vulval area more than usual
• Your cat rubs her face up against you or furniture more often than usual.
• If you pat your cat on her back near her tail your cat will raise her bottom in the air and may begin 'treading' with her hind feet.
• If she is a cat who is usually kept inside she will be desperate to get outside, waiting for any opportunity to escape.