define amphetamine psychosis.

i did have terrible depression and suicidal stuff when i was taking it irregularly... i also snorted it for a while and mixed it with temazepam once, but when i started taking it regularly it was great and really helped me out with my paranoia, irrational fears and anxiety... calmed me down and gave me energy. but it also made me obsessive and think too much and i would stay up for like 2 or 3 days at a time and be all corpsy looking and it was kinda fun but it started to get old.

i have OCD anyway so it wasn't healthy. but ironically it also helped me with the OCD cuz it helps you think better like... process your thoughts better and that reduced the OCD but then the extra energy gave me more energy to be OCD so it was paradoxal. i love the stuff though. oh well. this was a ramble but i'm a little drunk.
are you sorry you asked?