Yeah, I
will need to organize my thoughts on this one.
I took a class called Initial Field Experience last semester. In that class, we went over "Portrait of a teacher", which is basically my university's standards for what they think will make a good teacher. Two of the standards are:
-Understand critical thinking and problem solving, and create learning experiences that promote the development of students' critical thinking and problem solving skills and dispositions.
-Understand principles of democracy and plan and carry out instruction that promotes democratic values and communication in the classroom.
I have to pick one of the two standards and write about my experiences in life that are reflective of the standard and what experiences of my life have conflicted with the standard. They also want me to envision myself as a teacher and explain how I would foster a classroom climate that would promote the standard in my discipline. They also want me to write about my personal experiences and what I would do differently.
Sorry, I couldn't really summarize it...

I'm thinking I'll pick the democracy standard, as critical thinking and problem solving sound boring to write about.