Relationship the wrong person 
Relationship with the right person 
I'm not exactly starting one yet, but pretty damn sure I have the option. For once I'm not too worried about it being 'the wrong person,' but that's because the timing's wrong, instead. 
I hate that.
What's wrong with the timing?
Major life change coming up has me extra-low on the free time and extra-high on the neurotic. TBF, s'coming up soon enough that it might force me to actually take things slowly for once but not actually bring everything to a halt, if it turns out to be something I want to pursue.
It's just funny because of how randomly I reconnected with the guy, and extra-funny today because another guy asked me out today (on what I'm going to have to clarify won't be a date), totally out of the blue. Anwyay I don't know if I'm giving off really fucking intense pheromones of late, or what.
Yeah, I can relate to that. I was drawing in what I call "project cases". Guys with so many issues that they were completely unwilling to deal with (everything is always someone else's fault

)that it was exhausting. Once I cut out the toxic people in my life, it's like the good guys got the hint and started showing up.
But I promised myself I would give myself until June before I got serious with anyone. (that will be a year since the separation became formal and 3.5 years since it started falling apart) to be sure that when I landed a good one, that I was whole. *insert lots of psychobabble here* I'm sure you get what I'm saying.
I'm just one of those people who gives 100% of herself so I want to make sure that the next guy I gave that trust to, is the right one, and he'll embrace it and not abuse it.