Yeah I think the introduction things are pointless after first year. Kind of annoying even in first year, as no one remembers everyone's name from that first thing anyway. Or at least I don;'t 
Give a false name and see if anyone notices!!!!

I don't think you come across as a rabid feminist. I think you come across as very smart and emotionally strong (I dunno you well enough obviously to know if you are or not - the second one I mean, I'm sure you are smart
but that's the impression I get), and this probably intimidates a lot of guys
Not sure what emotionally strong means, but I've been told IRL I'm rather vulcan-like- I have strong emotions but I'm also hyperlogical, even about normally "emotional" things.

One aspect of this that almost definitely intimidates guys is my ability to see through facades/bullshit
and my willingness to call people on it- I do it more often online than IRL, but I've had my moments in-person too. IRL, I'll almost definitely soften the blow with humor, and am probably just trying to poke fun in the first place.
You seem to have very strong views on rape/sex/consent as well. More so than most women. People probably subconsciously see that partly as a feminist thing, although I don't think it should be
I agree that it shouldn't be but traditionally is. I may well have stronger views than most women, or maybe I've just thought about it more. I remember getting actually a bit upset in an argument with one of my exes about whether or not men could be raped-
he said they couldn't be, and, obviously, I said that arousal = / = consent. Frankly I've been known to make some really horrifying jokes on the topic (as in "did she REALLY just say that??"), but it bothered me that he really did seem to have such a different view of consent than I do. I think it's more of a human rights thing than just a feminist thing, at least with me.