You do realize that by "troll" I mean "brutally deride and shred the egos of," correct?
Yeah, that's great. Give them another reason to hate NTs.
Plenty of other dating sites out there to troll, why pick on aspie spazzes?
...because they make up a siginificant proportion of the clientele for
most dating sites, so no matter what site I go on, there will be opportunity?

And, I'm not going to go through the effort. I've trolled the sites I've been on before, but only as a reaction to guys who, for some reason or another, gave off extremely strong douchebag vibes. That was relatively independent of aspie vibes, or at least, some of the guys I got legitimately interested in gave off aspie vibes, to varying degrees. Though you won't dissuade me that the wrongplanet-esque "I hate all women because they won't sleep with me" types usually deserve a swift kick in the rear in the dating department- hell, might even benefit from it.
Can't believe I registered on Aspie Affections 
How is it?
The site itself is shit, there is a filter which deletes e-mail addresses from PMs and the guys are very desperate. One I'm talking to now is absolutely convinced that we have "a future" despite me only talking to him for 30 mins. The fact that he's from AFF doesn't help either :lol:
Oooh, sounds like I'd fit right in! 
I have this sudden compulsion to join Aspie Affections and troll the living fuck out of its clientele.
lol, do it, and take screencaps of your progress. 
Toooooo laaazzzyyyyyy.