If Jesus had a spray can, whose name would HE spray all over the fucking place!!
I'm sick of seeing this vandalism in the name of Christ or what ever it is supposed to be.
... on a different note.
We are selling the most contradictory thing I have seen in a while at work. Imagine a leather (yes, I can smell it. It is real leather) carrying case for your iPod-SHITE device, presented in "Eco-Conscious," "Green," recycled/minimal packaging. The idea is that they have used recycled paper to make the cardboard, NO BLACK in the "natural" inks which could contribute to carbon displacement to the upper atmosphere, very little (yet only recycled from waste) plastic in the labeling and packaging.
"Hey! We saved a tree, the watershed and the landfill. Sorry about your little furry buddy!"

How the fuck do we bust this stupid bandwagon!!