Lower standards equals shorter hair? What? I don't get it. 
Nononono, lol- it's just that your hair in those pics is indeed long for a guy, but for a girl it wouldn't be considered especially long.
True. But then, you should have heard my Mum when she saw a couple of hippies walk by in 1970 or so. Part of the reason why I had long hair for a few years. 

When my hair was SHORT, I used to get shit for it. It really wasn't that short, either- if I was a guy it would have been "longish."
Not that this is really relevant to what I just said, but: At some point I really kinda want to go for a pixie cut- definitely above-shoulder. ATM I'm growing my hair for locks of love, and have been for forever (my hair growns slow, I think); it should be long enogh by summer, but I'll prolly just keep the hair long until winter because that's when I usually get frustrated with my hair (it gets all statick-y form the dry air and doesn't look good like it does in the summer).