The sky is extremely clear tonight. I've had a good look several times. I lingered a while from just moments after it became total.
The moon is leaving the umbra, right about now. NICE color - deep reddish orange.

I'm just jealous, don't mind me. 
You need a warmer coat, and I need the clouds to break just for a minute.
I got a shadowy glimpse of a orangish moon through the clouds a few minutes ago, but that's all. I have the blinds open and I'm right by the window in case I get a better chance to see it.
I came back in three times to put on more layers, better gloves, a muffler, my arctic parka finally.
I could not have asked for a better view.
Now there's a tiny sliver of bright light, like a sterling silver golf tee holding up a deep orange ball.
Fucking awesome!
The only other person in this whole neighborhood stupid enough to go out is a guy who lives about two blocks away, hippy, gardener, who I trade plants with sometimes. Other than he, no one seems to care.
I wish you guys could see.