gods, it's dull on here...
Agreed. I will endeavour to be less boring. Will probably be in vain.
I am thinking that my friend needs to get help. He is addicted to oxycotin and me and my brother are really worried about him. We have known the guy for over 12 years, another two friends of his agree its time for an intervention. OCs (oxycotins) are like synthetic heroin for the most part, so its dangerous coming off of them after abusing them daily like he seems to be doing (he lies to us about it, as we are all coming to realize). I am one to talk as I smoke weed about 3 times a week myself, but it isn't as immediately harmful as OCs. My brother's ex's stepfather killed himself over OCs. I have met 2 people personally in drug rehab that attempted to kill themselves when they couldn't get any more oxys. His own father who smokes weed daily is more than sick of him, but I am unsure if he knows how deep my friend is in this shit. I know who the guy is who is selling him the shit, and I frankly would like to kill him.