how have you missed X-Files?
it's the best of the 90s.
also want to see Quantum Leap and Earth 2. check them out on Youtube or something.
I was working my ass off all through the nineties. I had plenty to do. I actually saw X-Files once, but it was a lot of tears, crying and it was not for me. I have since seen four more episodes and I liked all of them. I have a bunch of DVDs to watch, right in front of me. I think it's a complete set.
I have heard of Quantum Leap, but I've never seen it. I've never heard of Earth 2, though. I literally haven't seen commercial television. I watched PBS or movies a bit, but mostly I listen to music. There have been phases when I watched football or racing, but not much during that decade.
I really like SG-1. I'm ready for the fifth season, now.