To start out with, Robert Height, who was #1 in points, failed to qualify as a result of clutch problems. He failed to make it past 700 feet without smoking the tires.
Then in the second round John Force raced Kenny Bernstien, John was on his way to just barely beating Kenny across the finish line when Kenny crossed the center line and hit the top-end timing cones. One of the cones hit Forces slick causing it to explode, sending him out of control. First he hit Kenny, then the wall. He suffered 2 broken legs and fractures to his righ hand. He may be out for the rest of the season.
At least he's still alive. Two deaths in our team in one year just wouldn't be right.
To top it all off, Ashley, wo was still in competition herself, was too distraught to make the call for the semi-finals. The Pedregon brothers, Tony and Cruz, both got a free trip into the final round.
See the crash hereOh, one more thing, my favorite UFC fighter Chuck Liddell, lost this weekend to Keith Jardine at the Pond of Anaheim.