In no particular order:
- Arrogant students (especially the psychology ones). You don't know squat about me or how I operate, so die please.
- People who begin their insults with "I'm sorry, but..." (Women are notorious for pulling this shit off.)
- Jamie Oliver. Fuck off and leave me in peace with my steak & kidney pie. Learning disabled cunt.
That guy. He's a manipulative twat who makes caravans for a living.
- Healthy eating commercials. Piss the fuck off.
- People who make harmful lies.
- Self-centred, hedonistic wankers who make our lives a misery: gangsters, chavs, pimps, etc.
- Really selfish people (most of them are young).
- People who tell me that I live in a box because they don't relate to my lifestyle. (Get the fuck out out of here, you pompous, overbearing socialites.)
- People like Ahayes who don't stand up for themselves just because life isn't going their way. Instead, they have to post pictures of their suicidal attempts on the internet. (Vertical, not horizontial.)
greedy, amoral corporate bastards. the boards of Nestle and (who cares?) spring to mind.

Kiss and make up, Dunc -- with a chunky kit-kat.