Stupid f u c k face therapist, stop treating me like a f u c k n disabled wanker. As I said, assumptions are only valid to a point, if take them any farther you may get killed, worst case senario. I only went to see if help my living situation, but all he can do is talk about AS. I don't f u c k n care!, you know why? I am a happy f u c k n asshole! I actually believe I can't, too much, and that is infact a load of bull f u c k n shit!.
He don't get it, and I am getting f u c k n pissed, however I must not react otherwise he will get more confused. I do add confusion when I choose not to give a f u c k sometimes, and sometimes do. People think there is something wrong with me, but infact I just don't give a f u c k. I am trying not to now, because I hurt people too much, and they I end up more pissed. I don't need anymore f u c k n shit, as I am going crazy over my mom and Jessica. All this healthy lifestyle and actually trying to be receptive about people's feelings makes everything f u c k n hurt! I am f u c k n horny! There is only 3 colors in this rainbow, horny f u c k er, high f u c ker, and sad wanker. You know what else? I am sick to death of the last one, sick to f u c k n death! As soon as I get out of my situation, I am getting funding for college so I can a f u c k n degree because I want to end my sorrow. God Damn bipolar disorder, not taking my mom down. Its better than going to f u c k face south shore and beating the flying f u c k out of them because they do a shitty job. Everywhere, there are f u c k n f u c kers, and all they do is piss on me!
What the f u c k! Stupid f u c k er at KFC screwed mom's boyfriend's order up! Mc donalds to, and I have a feeling that its there own lazyness that did that, could have been some other error. I can bitch, because I am trying not to be one of those f u c k n f u c kers. Guess what I am dress in? All black, even my shoes!
Idiots Idiots Idiots, have patients for the idiots.