How can you still function when the nest of centipedes in your vagina is so big, bitch?
How can the question of whether to off yourself or not still be an issue for you? I would have thought the answer was obvious by now.

How the fuck did this start?

She doesn't seem like a bitch to me, although trying to quit smoking might do that at first, but then boost self confidence. Instead of adding another post, I will just add to this one, good luck.
This is good, lets me take a load off, seeing someone care for once. Thankyou purposefulinsanity

I care to, that is why I am trying to straighten this mess out with the bodyfat measuring machine. It says its high, yet I see things that suggest otherwise, and things that agree. If my mom were correct I wouldn't know what to do, confused. I know however, that I must actually look over what I ate, because your body has a tendency to gravatate to a healthy balance when given the proper tools. I was eating alot of nuts, and I got a cold sore, after I treated the other one. Nuts probably caused the weight gain, lucky I have skills. I will share the wealth, and perhaps if there comes a time, I won't be too weak to ask for help.
Thanks again, I get so irritated seeing people who don't care, probably because I care, for them and myselfOne gets into a magazine by exercising alot, so a little extra body fat doesn't look so bad, but bad enough for back page. Your husband needs to get the extra weight off, I myself, lost 13 lbs. Body fat makes aromatase enzyme, actually converting testosterone into estrogen, he is turning into a woman. He is pushing is risk for type two diabetes, as I was myself. 10 or 20lbs is enough to reduce this risk, as hypercholesterolism. I am 8lbs below my pictured weight here. Motivate your husband, for him.
Two last things to add, a person that is overweight, yet in great shape, is healthier than a skinnny person who lays around. You sex life suffers. The liver gets rid of estrogen, you drink to much, you gain more weight, and it keeps hanging around longer. I noticed an improvement, and jessica will suffer