What is the most amount of money you have had?
I really can't remember.
What are some of the most generous things you have done?
I have a tendency IRL to do anything for anyone, unfortunately I often get taken for a mug because of it. I don't want to name specific examples cos it makes me feel uncomfortable
How do you like your meat done?
Raw with the special sauce that comes included

Do you like lightining?
Yes and no- it facinates me but unnerves me at the same time.
Is rain relaxating?
Yes, very- I love the rain.
What is your favorite smell?
Is it physcially fit men who sweat?
Whilst I do like the smell of fresh male sweat I wouldn't say its my favourite smell. My favourite smell is nag champa incense- it makes me horny.
Do you smoke?
Yes, but I know I should quit, I just enjoy it so much.
What is your major nationality?
English with some Scottish.