Less embarrassing though.
Plus, corduroys still get me hard.
But will wearing corduroys get you laid?

Maybe he hasn't figured out why he's had a drought yet!
I only have one pair, and I got them just a few months
ago. My drought is much longer. Certainly could have
ended last week though - had I been willing to relax
my standards a touch. I just can't afford to fall for
someone who is not perfect any longer.
They'll be popular in the nursing home when you get there! I guess the poor thing will be shrivelled up by then...or more shrivelled...
Hoping I don't live that long. No point in wearing them, if they didn't arouse me though.
Even at an 80's night wearing clothes that look like your mother picked them out for you isn't generally conducive to getting them to flock round you.
Now, just because she DID pick them out, doesn't much mean it looks that way.
You are cracking me up here...don't make him cry for God's sake!
Only will happen out of frustration, at not being able to spit my damned post out.
stop picking on calandale!
or i might have to show him aome unity.
Oh, you know I like the attention.