Do you believe that some form of morality (not the ability to accept morality, but actual moral tendencies) can be, or is, present in humans regardless of what they have been taught and exposed to?? In simplistic terms, are some morals hard-wired in some or all humans?? Elaborate on this your answer as much as you like.
This is a tricky one and something I've not really given much thought to before so my answer might be a bit half-arsed?
? I actually believe that the survival instinct and the instinct to protect our offspring could actually lead to a very different 'moral code' developing.? I believe that unless we're taught that its wrong to steal,kill, etc people would use whatever means necessary to ensure their family had the best chance of survival.?
can i hi-jack?
i think that people would do this regardless of having been taught or not. and the survival instincts and protecting your offspring is correct moral behavior, at any price. remember, your not going out to steal or kill on purpose, you are doing it because it has become necessary.
i was watching this special on North Korea and i guess they have it so bad there, that most of the population can barely eat. they don't have traditional food like you would see in one of your local market.
this next part is gross:
in their local market they sell human parts for food.
and it was inferred that it is an entire industry, where they kill people and cut them up like they would a cow, and sell it at the market, and people buy it and eat it.
survival instincts, i think, will probably win out over any established moral code.