why would someone judge that?
I don't know why people would judge us for that, but they do- they still see it as 'cheating' or claim that we obviously can't satisfy each other sexually.
my relationship is closed, but i am rooting for my wife to find a boyfriend because guess what that means for me?
You can find one too??

We started with an 'open relationship' with rules about how often we could see other people, ending a sexual relationship with others if we ever thought we might possibly develop any kind of the feelings for the other person. But eventually we realised it was stupid to place these limits and unrealistic.
and i bet its a relief for dunc as well. i mean he's no longer a 19 year old now is he?
if you wouldn't mind feel free to answe the vague questions in this post. however you see fit?
Since both of us only occasionally develop a secondary relationship we both still have 'satisfy' the other just as much as if we had a closed relationship