I just saw an add for a faith healer on local television with testimonials and they gave the church address and everything. Lately I have been seeing and hearing more of this junk what is going on. It's not like I live in the Bible belt I live in New England. Is this becoming more common elsewhere too?
When I lived in Maine, one of the things that I noticed was that the holy rollers were trying to lure disaffected/ disenchanted Catholics into their churches. -- New Englanders on the other hand are for the most part more enlightened than that.
Also in the south, even though there are a lot of people who go to church regularly, a surprising number of people avoid the holy roller types. --For the record, when I lived in Charlotte, NC, faith healer Benny Hinn put in an appearance at the Charlotte Colesium, which was only a few miles away from the Gas station/ convenience store where I was working third shift. After the event let out, a lot of people who were there came in to the stor to buy gas, snacks, and what have you. One girl who apparently had been 'healed' by Benny Hinn approached the cash register to pay for her stuff, and then went into a massive siezure, and wound up being dragged out by her relatives.
Also, the Reverand, preacher what have you who runs a local chain of Thrift stores, a Drug/ alcohol rehabilitation program and a homeless shelter rides around in a Hummer H2. --Jesus $ave$