Men have done that too.
yet men are successful in their suicide attempts more than women. i wonder why they need the attention when they are dead?
Just because they're more successful doesn't mean they all are. Maybe the men who attempt/commit suicide want their girlfriend to feel guilty about breaking up with them.
F U C K E R, you caught me. Actually damn sensitivity got me in a hole, and its not the one I wanted. Mom does not believe that I care about her so much, infact, its my sensitivity that is keeping her alive. I bet the meds are helping, but nothing compares to a son who loves his mom. She admits that it seems like I am the only one who cares about her. They all do, but can't stand her. I gave her a hug and she saw my eyes watering, then she reconsidered. Then she went for her reality complex, the one where her bipolar disorder is undercontroll and I need taking care of. She think I am suicidal now, because I am in deep shit. Its on the back burner actually, because I did not get to have sex yet. I worked really hard to make myself who I am, and now I am finally enjoying it. I sorta don't want to do anything now when I am just starting be happy. There is someone who needs me, someone who will be very upset if I go, and I need her to, more than you could imagine
:hornysign: All the time, I think the sign would be broken from over use. I blamed my mom, and I said partly. She is so f u c k ed up she herd full blame. She is f u c k n driving me crazy. She keeps telling me she won't do anything because she thinks I need her, well when there is everyone sucks, I do. Love is a vaulable thing. Reality complex is something I came up with, and its just like causing trouble to distract herself from her depression, but I don't give her the verbal abuse now, so I think she has a new game. I appears she only does the stigmatizing when she is in a bad mood, then its however she can cope. If that envolves abusing me, so be it. She stopped trying that shit, because I don't play her game.