As for "adequately explaining", thats just a code word for, "I'm a weenie and can't stay on a forum where PMS Elle is and well liked and I don't feel appreciated".
I don't have any problem with the way you guys have treated me here. On the contrary, it's been fun. And please don't try to make assumptions about things you know nothing about. There are a few very practical reasons why it wouldn't be wise for me to stay here. A truly "adequate explaination" would require a place where she is absent and where no one knows that I'm me, and I'm not about to engender gossip regarding another person who also posts here.
i'll miss the dino talk. i hope you find your Rachel one day.
Thanks. Hopefully you'll know where to find me. That T.rex Myspace I put a link to in the Ginseng forum is also mine, obviously.