And yet you just made one or two in that response.
Accused myself of not knowing your opinions for the most part? Saying "me too" isn't an opinion really, no need for me to make accusations on those types of opinions. I am however accusing you of just giving someone else's opinion and not thinking up anything yourself. I would rather not be careful anymore and just put myself out there at the risk of being an ass.
And your supporting evidence of this is where? The board has a search feature. Feel free to use it.
This is largely true. Although, I fail to see why this is such a problem to you. Particularly considering...
It isn't a problem to me, just makes you out to be nothing more than someone who critisizes without offering anything constructive.
Critiques are not constructive?
You don't put yourself out there, mostly you agree with someone else on opinionated matters.
I was not aware that all opinions must be unique and that no agreement or consensus was allowed.
Your ass is rarely put on the line.
My ass is as much on the line with every post I make as yours is with each of yours. I tend towards critiquing and refinement of others' arguments. That doesn't make my analysis correct. My critiques can be shredded just as easily as your opinions if there is a flaw or weakness in them.
There is nothing courageous about spouting off opinions that you just looked up on Google search to find your stance on. This is what I see most of the time on the internet anyways, you are no different.
First you say that I never put opinions out there. Now you say that I do but they come from google. If you wish to attack me, at least be consistent.
Sinister as in not for the reasons I claim. Not as in evil. Perhaps I should have said 'dubious'.
Still doubt I would care enough to judge what you do in your personal life. Maybe if you put your children in direct danger, but I don't see you doing that thankfully.
I thought we were discussing the merits of opinions vs. critiques and how one is supposedly courageous while the other is not. When did my personal life enter into this?
Hint to the first point above: there is an implied accusation in this statement.
Not really implied in my opinion.
Actually, I agree. However, I was attempting to be open-minded considering you claimed in your first paragraph in that post that you weren't making accusations. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt rather than assume that you couldn't be internally consistent for the duration of even a single post.
The only field where people on this site are ever not remotely PC is that of sex. Everywhere else it is pure political correctness for the most part. You fall right in line most of the time. That isn't your own opinion, it mostly comes across as you being a parrot to me. Nothing unique or original about it at all.
Oh heavens! I share some of the same opinions as others. I could not possibly have arrived at them independently. Obviously I am just parroting others in the hopes that people will accept and love me. And when that fails, I turn to the mighty google.

But wait, how could you have reached this conclusion? You said earlier that you did not know my opinions:
Why would I need to make accusations when I don't know your opinions to begin with?
So which is it, you don't know them or you do and think them unoriginal?