Why must I prove that I am me to pay my bills over the phone?Do strangers call to pay my bills?If they do, why don't you let them?
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Just so you know Ranaeden, its AUTISTNOT "Autie"! The latter is so fucking infantile that only a BITCH/faggot would use it.
so i was starring at the computer screen going "wtf?"
Well Ranaeden is a Bitch so no wonder she uses the word Autie. Seriously people, dontcha know???Adding the suffix -ie to a word; often truncating all but the first syllable of a word is not just diminutive.....its fucking Babyish!! Thats what infantile means!!! autie, avie, computie,......etc Need I say more?? So kubricksRubicksCube, just take a hint and say autist instead.
So kubricksRubicksCube, just take a hint and say autist instead.