1. Fair enough
Thank you.
2. Its how often it coincidentually seems to happen.
I am responsible only for my own views. That others may share them and choose to express them at the same time is outside my control.
3. It doesnt mention constant examinination, I prefer the occasional type. There can be over examination, you know...
Fair point. Again, I'm not asking you to justify everything you say. But at the same time speaking in a "public" setting carries an amount of risk.
2. You were not the first one to express that line though, were you.
3. One of the many reasons I have a psudonym on here, and many other places.
First, last, 42nd, what difference does that make? Am I to hold my tongue simply because someone else has said it before I have?
It makes a difference because then there are lots of posts saying the same thing that I am expected to reply to.

And that doesn't answer the second question.
It depends if you are going to come up with something totally different or not.
So don't address each person separately if we're all saying the same thing. Consolidate the quotes into a single reply. It's not that hard in a message board setting. Cut, Copy, and Paste are your friends here.
Additionally, it may be a minor difference. But as far as I know, I have rarely, if ever, attacked you personally. (Please correct me, if I'm wrong as it is also not my intention, necessarily.) I'll rip your arguments to shreds if they're weak but that is largely my enjoyment of debate.