Therapy rarely helps people full stop. Its just to keep psychology grads in some sort of employment.
*sigh* Not this canard again. And what, pray tell, do you base this supreme knowledge upon? 
Wonderfully vague answer there. Care to expound upon this?
The imagination fills in the rest.
So, let me see if I have this right:
Your claim is based on experience which is based on your imagination.
No, I have my experiences. I just lead it up to the individual reader to embellish them in anyway they see fit.
I'll just add another tally on the 'unsubstantiated claims made by hadron' board then, shall I?
Can you substanciate the opposite to my claim then. Go ahead if you think you can.
The point is that I don't have to. I have made no such claims. To do so would require knowledge beyond what either of us could know. This is what I'm flagging you on (again). You make grand, global claims and then don't back them up. And when called on it, you instead try to turn it around on the one who questioned you.
You have just attacked such claims, so I suggest by your own rules you go and fetch evidence.
Where did you learn to debate? You made the claim with no proof or supporting arguments. I asked for proof. If you wish to carry the point, it is up to you to support it.
How about, just once, you put up or shut up. I have, as yet, made no claim as to the point in contention. ("Therapy rarely helps people full stop", in case you've forgotten.) Therefore, I have nothing to defend. I merely ask you to substantiate it. Provide the basis for you contention. At that point, I will either provide a counter-argument (with supporting evidence) or concede the point.