Swanson: "Whatever you do... don't provoke the bird"Gopher Gary: "What bird?"Swanson: *SCREAMS*
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as in, how old are you?
I met him IRL and he seemed like a decent person to me. He gave me an autograph for my daughter and autographed a few of his movies that I brought with me for her.
Kinko, Kinko, the kid-loving clownif the kids just love me back I'll never wear a frownKinko, Kinko, the kid loving clownif the kids just love me back I'll never wear a frown!!!Kinko's in his Kinko car, pockets full of changelots of dirty pictures and sticky candy canes.All the kids love Kinko for the presents that they getsilly leather clothes to wear and happy cigaretts.-Hi boys and girls, my name is Kinko the clown!!!-Hi Kinko!!!-And I really love you boys and girls!!!Really, really....-Awwww-But my legs get tired standing out in the parking lot handing outstale tootsie rolls to you rugrats, so if anyone wants to come backto Kinko's trailer and massage his legs, he'd really really like it.Really, really.....Kinko, Kinko, the kid-loving clownif the kids just love me back I'll never wear a frownKinko, Kinko, the kid loving clownif the kids just love me back I'll never wear a frown!!!We go to Kinkos clubhouse, sometimes after schoolwe play in Kinkos crawl space, there's never any roomWe have to sit on Kinkos lap there's never any chairsKinko likes to tickle us and give us funny stares.-Gee I haven't had this much fun since Christmas when I gotto play Santa Clause and all the boys and girls got to sit on Kinko's lap--Mommy mommy! Kinko hurt me!--But that was in Indianapolis and thanks to the liberal reciprocity laws hereKinko can be with you boys and girls today or anytime.Jimmy Johnson ran away and didn't say goodbuyKinko went to look for him to help the FBIBut Kinko has some handcuffs on his eyes were full of tearssaid "I'll be back to play with you sometime in 20 years!"Kinko, Kinko, the kid-loving clownthe parents wanna beat me up and run me outa town!Kinko, Kinko, the kid-loving clowntar and feather Kinko and run him out of town!-Bye boy's and girls!!!!-Bye Kinko! See you at the turn of the century!-Kinko really love you boys and girls!!Really, really....
I had never noticed how big Ronalds feet were before My my.And that yellow all in one suit....yummy.
Quote from: Eclair on September 01, 2007, 10:49:37 PMI had never noticed how big Ronalds feet were before My my.And that yellow all in one suit....yummy.You have odd taste in men.