Not I, and I didn't mean to imply that I had.? I just have some doubt in your impulse-control issues as far as not tweaking the admiin stuff here and there even if it's "forbidden."
you want honesty?
i would do it one hundred times more often, if i was told that i couldn't.
here is an example:
remember how i was supposed to debate vivi about how intensity would reopen and establish ground rules.
here is what i did:
i got all beligerant and said some very offensive stuff, on purpose.? i crossed my own threshhold.? why?? i wanted to establish that we (I? community) will not be told how to behave.? remember neuroman said it was like a locker room in there?? That was by design. you say we cannot, then we do it to prove that we can.
I lost a friend and Intensity lost the connection with the neurolands, because i refused to allow any of you to be limited by what you can do.
Ozy, the reason i am so pissy about all this is because of how fucking hard i have foughten for some people to have the ability to be themselves, they want to take away my ability to be myself.? presumably in appreciation.
if anyone cares to limit me or my abilities i have two words:
Fuck Off.
If you don't like it, vote with your feet.? i will not conform or be held in check.? and i support your right to not conform as well.? be yourselves.? If yourselves are a bunch of crybaby pussies who are afraid of an avatar prank, then i don't belong here.? although i like pussy, i don't like that variety telling me how to behave.
and i really hate the idea of someone or some people imposing rules on others.
i still haven't seen the McJaggers Success thread yet.