I know I promised I would cut the shit, a few times, and I didnot. I am sorry. I make nuetral cracks and then attacking ones, and I understand how change annoys aspies, no offense. Realizations hurt, just like in the general system's theory. I have another one, hurting as it maybe, you need to work on your ability to adapt to change and tact.
Bipolar patrons have depressions, and I don't have that, at least not for the 2 weeks that qualify. I bounce back rather quickly, and I remember Mc Jagger saying something about along time ago. If you have not noticed, I usually attack people who attack me first, and I do remember even if they are being nuetral. If I was bipolar and needed meds, Jessica probably would have dumped me a while ago. She is not all that dumb, just because of a few fuctional deficits. What actually happened, is I intentionally negelected a step in the process of sensitivity.
That requires a healthy lifestyle and a question. Why is the person doing that, or what the fuck is their problem/s? I just ignored the question part. I love making jokes so much, that is on the one side, hard to filter out the bad ones. On the otherside, it will hurt later, I know that. Normal people have to cope, and only druggies just sit there in there happy pink elephant worlds. I see alot of people not coping properly, and it winds up as verbal abuse of some kind or getting overweight. I know things can be tough, so no offense. Its only tough if you don't know how. I still verbally abuse in real life, but not very much. Just got to remember it will hurt later, and that will save me some fuckn shit.
I guess I was aspie at one time, after all two people dxed me. I don't have an explanation for what happened, at least not a tested one. The meditation I do basically tells my body what I want it to do, and to do it harder than it was. To my knowledge, its not supposed to work on a genetic defect, if that is what AS is. I did hear Lucifer say herbs didnot work for her, so that does leave me thinking. Worked for me fine!
Maybe something medical was going on that a mental health professional can't quite see. I know that I survived three years of cancer in remission, with heavy dietary abuse. I have had another time where I had to wait six hours for surgery for my appendix, that was already ruputered. Mom said that, but she exaggerates. Still its alot of time with an exaggeration. She her them say I should have died. Well whatever, I would like to experiment more with my methods to see what happened, because I feel absolutely fuckn fine now.
Odeon now, what I should have said was you are ignorant, not a baby. If you learn how to cope well, a simple picture is no nussiance. You have to appreciate what you have, your strengths and such. I would have respected you, if the sensitivity devolped, and not said a word if you put it up. Its when you deal with something tough that respect is owed to you.
Peace to all, now that I have process the event in question, I have lasting sensitivity. Its much easier to keep the jokes more nuetral, now that I have added the final step, processing. You did bad yourselves, dxing everyone, is not tact at all. That is why I told you to fuck off so long.
Keep trying, and I wish you luck. I would appreciate it if everyone who I have wronged with give me a virtual hug, handshake, and or I forgive you. Unresolved issues and grudes are injurious to wone's health, for you and I. I am not quite happy unless you are, go it? Fuckn hug me if your horny, I don't mind, but don't expect sex after. I have one idioit already, I Aspie, ah joke. You people are fine by me, even if you have deficits