Don't provoke the little people, especially if they're a cheeky little English girl whose pissed off about ice cream being £9
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hi.if you want to make friends then that is up to you. if you want support, then you have come to the wrong place. try on the spectrum.
I came to this community for love and support.
Hello and welcome to I2, don't get hurt and play safe. Stanley Kubrick made some good movies, then he died making a medioce/crap movie. That is today's message from Captain Obvious.
Quote from: Alex179 on August 28, 2007, 08:45:17 AMHello and welcome to I2, don't get hurt and play safe. Stanley Kubrick made some good movies, then he died making a medioce/crap movie. That is today's message from Captain Obvious.Also, understatement.I didn't think he had much to do with AI. I wouldn't blame him too much for that, i don't anyway.