
Author Topic: On this day  (Read 412 times)

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Offline Natalia Evans

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On this day
« on: September 11, 2007, 01:56:30 PM »
On this day six years ago, four planes had crashed. Two in the towers, (one each), one in Pennsylvania and one in the Octagon.

Where were you at them time this event occurred? Did you lose anyone in the terrorism like a family member, relative, friend, someone you knew? Were you effected by the terrorism?

I was in bed at the time when the planes crashed into the towers. I can remember my dad coming in my room at 7:20 in the morning telling me “They’re talking about the planes crashing.” And I started screaming at him “So.”
Back then I was a real bitch in the morning because I hated people coming in my room and waking me up before 7:30 because that as the time my parents always came in to get me up and if it was earlier than that, even five minutes, I get mad. Now I don’t have that problem anymore because I’m not in school anymore, so my parents didn’t have to wake me up and I didn’t have a restricted time when I had to be up every day.

I didn’t lose anyone in the terrorism or anyone I knew but it did effect me because it created changes in my school. I was stuck with a culinary art sub because my teacher was stranded down in Mexico because she was down there at the time and no one was allowed to come into our country so therefore she couldn’t come home. All my classes did nothing but watch the news none stop and the teachers talking about it so my aide would take me back to the resource room. I would spend all my time on the computer.
It took me a few weeks to get used to the change about no more twin towers and it took me a while to get used to seeing the towers in movies and I had to get over my fear of flying when my family and I were going down to Arizona for my uncle’s 50th birthday.
I did used to make jokes about the towers thought because it always felt strange seeing them in photos and pictures.

My post there is under the name Bad Beth.

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Re: On this day
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2007, 02:16:53 PM »
On this day six years ago, four planes had crashed. Two in the towers, (one each), one in Pennsylvania and one in the Octagon.
They must have done some additions.  Typical of our government, always growing and growing.
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everything else is just borrowed.

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Offline mordok

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Re: On this day
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2007, 02:46:01 PM »
On this day six years ago, four planes had crashed. Two in the towers, (one each), one in Pennsylvania and one in the Octagon.
They must have done some additions.  Typical of our government, always growing and growing.

Nah, she's just reading from the original blueprints.  Eight sides ordered, five received, 200% over budget.  Typical contracting job.


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Re: On this day
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2007, 03:16:16 PM »
I went to work then sneaked out to play golf whilst no-one noticed.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: On this day
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2007, 03:18:04 PM »
I went to school. It was a boring day.

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Re: On this day
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2007, 04:29:54 PM »
Who cares anymore?

'Twas a past life, for me.

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Re: On this day
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2007, 06:24:19 PM »
I was in Geometry when my hot geometry teacher announced, "I have some sad news. A plane crashed into the world trade center." I thought it was kind of sad, but I don't remember thinking much of it. After geometry was lunch, and after lunch was bio. During bio, my teacher told us that two planes had crashed into the wtc, and that it was an act of terror. I was kind of scared (I think a lot of people were) and didn't really know what to think. Apparently a lot of kids went home, because they knew people/had family members who worked in the world trade center. One girl lost her father, I believe. The entire school ended up getting out early that day.

My uncle lives in Manhattan and filmed what was going on from his roof. He never watched the tape though.

My mom's friend lost her son, and it's really sad, because he was only in his 20's. She did get some closure though...his ghost came to her one night, and told her everything was going to be all right...and the next morning, her other family members told her he had come to them, too.

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Re: On this day
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2007, 07:06:20 PM »
I was getting breakfast for the girl, who was 2 at the time, and dealing with the boy, who was 2 mos old and fussy.  My mom called me, yelling and screaming.  I was sure she was overreacting, and that it was just an accident.  I mean, before that day, what average person really thought someone would crash a plane into a building on purpose (and it was just the one at the time she called)?  It was a while before I got to my computer and could get through to some of the news sites and see that no, it wasn't an accident, and that while my mom was probably overreacting a little (she often does), it wasn't by much.   I refused to turn the TV on to anything but kids shows, I wasn't going to subject a toddler and an infant to those images, so I missed a lot of the worst of it myself.   The news sites just kept timing out because half the world was hitting "refresh" over and over trying to find out what the hell was going on.  By the time the kids went to bed, I was so burnt out by hearing about it, talking about it on message boards, seeing the pictures...I pretty much tuned out the TV.  My brother-in-law is in the Air Force, so we were a little worried about him, and got in touch and he asked us to buy an American flag and hang it up.  What a monumental task that was!   But it was kind of a snapshot of the goodwill we all had towards each other in the immediate aftermath.  Standing in Home Depot with 2 little kids, on Sept 12, going "please tell me you have a flag, I've been to 3 stores already, my brother in law is in the military and has asked us to hang a flag."  One of the employees pulled the last one from under the counter, that he had been saving for himself, and sold it to me.  Things have sure changed...

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Re: On this day
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2007, 07:33:01 PM »
I was at work.
Heard about it and called my parents to verify.

Did have access to Internet or TV at work at the time so there were no updates throughout the day.

Went to the bank and they had a TV out in the open showing the 1st tower collapsing.

That evening my mother drove me to the Subaru dealership so I could finalize the deal and take deliver of my new Forester.
It was weird buying a car with all that happened that day....I had 2nd thoughts about doing it.

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Re: On this day
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2007, 12:11:41 AM »
I was asleep. But I did start work at 6am, so when I got to work someone had already bought the paper and that had a huge picture on the front showing one of the towers on fire. I thought it was a joke of some kind, to be honest.

When I got home I turned on the tv and there was nothing but the news about the attacks on all channels. Same as when the Gulf War happened.
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