yada, yada, yada. we all know there's shitloads wrong with organised religions, especially when the fundies get going. my point about defending various groups is that lumping "all muslims", "all christians", "all men", "all black people", etc., etc, together is not only bigoted, as one then makes sweeping generalisations about what are, practically by default, extremely heterogenous groups, which i would call bigotry.
yes, people do hideous things in the name of islam, as they do in the name of christianity, hinduism, communism, fascism, new labour, so-called contemporary R&B, and about a squizillion more. i don't defend any of that, but i do defend a disparate group of people from attacks by those who don't actually know what they're talking about, have no real experience of the bigger picture, and are closed-minded about the whole thing (i.e. bigots).
as far as islam is concerned, muslims just happen to be the latest in a long line of scapegoats, and the danger with scapegoating is, obviously, that those doing the scapegoating don't bother to look at themselves to see where their own responsibilities lie, for whatever wrongs they're blaming the others for. of course islamic terrorists are a bunch of dangerous, fanatical wankers. but it's lazy and irresponsible to blame them for everything wrong with the world today.
might help if you'd actually read some of my other posts on the subject properly, hadron, as i'm sure i've said this several times before.