i don't care about your types. it was not about authority so to say it was such a type is not correct or the type itself is bullshit. so which is it? 
Arguement from authority, i.e crap arguement.
it was not from authority. it was from experience, wannit? so there's no authority involved. you're being illogical.
You misunderstand. He is claiming that Lucifer committed an "argument from authority" error, a form of logical fallacy common in debates.
i don't misunderstand. he said it was a type of arguement, but all Lucifer did was speak from experience so how could that be authority? if i tell you i know something because i have experience with it then i'm not being authoritative i am just telling you i have learned though experience. what's illogical is Hardon's "types."
i don't care about your types. it was not about authority so to say it was such a type is not correct or the type itself is bullshit. so which is it? 
Arguement from authority, i.e crap arguement.
it was not from authority. it was from experience, wannit? so there's no authority involved. you're being illogical.
You misunderstand. He is claiming that Lucifer committed an "argument from authority" error, a form of logical fallacy common in debates.
The I know 100's of muslims (and the rest of the shaboosh added in as well) line is what exactly?
And the "Here comes the PC brigade" was what exactly?
Refering to how she allows some bigotry but not others. She was taking the same line as the politcally correct brigade by backing muslims in such a fashion, even if it is one of the most bigoted religions in the planet.
you don't know the difference between religion and tradition. for example, muslim women wear head scarves and are oppressed, why is this? because of tradition. tradition of oppression. the men made it up and it was attached to religion like a fungus to a tree trunk. people think it's part of the religion, it isn't. just like circumcision is no part of Jewish religion, it's merely an old tradition that was started because of hygiene reasons.
can you provide some sort of proof of how the islam faith is biggoted in itself? you're the one who made this claim, you should be able to back it up.