ozy, i believe.
In the words of the great philosopher...........................well, I could say something nasty, but, I won't. The bottom line is, while you were away over the winter, there was much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth over the lack of new members AND members who would stir things up around here and provide fodder for the cannon, so to speak. Ranazu was consistently chafing over the rules at AI about language and vulgar topics. I offered this place as a possibility for him to let go and be as crazy, vulgar, etc. As he wanted, I mentioned this to the members and to quote. "Fresh Meat" was the phrase mentioned by several members here. ODEON being one of them. So he finally came here, if people don't like it, they can stuff it. CHILL OUT for fucking sake. You (the forum) wanted stuff like this, you got it and now your bitching........

It's a good thing I'm going to be gone for a weekend and will have my own chance to chill out. The peevishness demons are nipping at my brain!