nope. dunno what gave you that idea.
The way that some members claim to almost intimately know you. Anyway, who on here would you like to meet? (asides Odeon
i talk a lot to various other members, via PM, email, IM and phone, variously. some people here, i've known for years, and probably spoken with more online than most people i know in the flesh, as it were.
I am of the school that you dont really know someone until you meet them in real life, i can never really figure people out online as well as in real life. In real life its a struggle, online its almost impossible.
you're entitled to your opinion, based on your own experience, naturally. i can work people out very quickly, both online and irl, but then i've been trained to do so, and seem to have a natural bent for it to start with. empathy of a house brick, but very intuitive, and have studied people and their behaviour for decades.