girls are geeks too you know. all my childhood friends loved games, it was totally normal, noone was even called a geek cuz computer games were naturally considered great fun.
anyway, do you know any cute geeks? i LOVE geeky boys. they're the best. 
Most of my friends were considered somewhat geeky in school due to their lack of sports participation and the fact that they enjoyed video games and things of that nature more. That and a good portion of us upgraded our own PCs and played PC games for most of our teenage years. Most of my friends have grown out of that and are involved in more serious pursuits. They still game from time to time, but nothing like we used to do at eachother's houses all day long and such.
Well that would be up to the judgement of someone else whether my friends are "cute" or not (or me for that matter). I don't keep up with some of them like I should have though, but most of my friends are already married and with kids (the geeky ones from my childhood). I am a somewhat geeky guy myself, but the friends I hang out with more now are gamers but they are the stoner type (not really geeks at all). They mainly play FPSs and war related stuff, not so much RPG and adventure games. They all played sports their entire childhoods, skateboard, surf and do other things that aren't considered geeky.