
Author Topic: WP London meetup tomorrow?  (Read 6279 times)

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Offline mordok

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #60 on: August 26, 2007, 04:05:34 PM »
I can say whatever I want about geeky guys who play RPGs, since I am one.   That is basically what most of my friends are as well.   I am not stereotyping them and yes they are attracted to women who aren't into games.   They just pine for women who are gamers, that is even more attractive to them.   It isn't just a stereotype for D&Ders or RPG geeks either.   People want to be around others who are into similar things.

I use statistics to make a point and maybe I stereotype here and there, but it is almost always based on some personal experience of mine.

You misunderstood me.  I'm not objecting to the notion that people seek others with at least some of the same interests.

As for statistics, 'me and my friends' is not exactly statistically significant.

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #61 on: August 26, 2007, 04:07:41 PM »

Offline Alex179

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #62 on: August 26, 2007, 05:01:41 PM »
You misunderstood me.  I'm not objecting to the notion that people seek others with at least some of the same interests.

As for statistics, 'me and my friends' is not exactly statistically significant.

That wasn't a statistic.   I was referring to past posts that contain something you would find as stereotypical.   I know whether I am quoting statistics or not lol.   That was based on my personal experience and I have never even bothered to look up statistics based on it.   That much should have been obvious.   You were talking about my previous usage of stereotypes and the use of statistics was what I was referring to in that regard.   

That is the same thing, objecting to me stereotyping D&D RPG nerds that way is just saying they want friends who have the same interests as them.  There is no difference and it isn't a stereotype imo.   Basically it is common sense that people seek out others with similar interests, in that case I was talking about geeky RPG loving guys.
:P   Internets are super serious.

Offline Walkie

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #63 on: August 26, 2007, 05:23:53 PM »
I'd like to meet a fair number of people IRL who are on this forum.  But, certainly not in a large group or in a busy, noisy place where I couldn't hear myself think.  A small group, 3 maybe 4 would be ok!

I'd say the same, but the aspie meetings I've been to IRL haven't been much bigger than that, thank goodness. 

How many came to that one in Windmill,  mutate? about 6-7?

I'd be a bit more wary of London meetings, 'cause I suspect they'd tend to be bigger.  I tried to get to a London meeting once (can't remember which group had organised it) but the chosen venue was so busy, noisy, and big that I  couldn't find the group, and didn't feel like trying very hard.  Idiots! Luckily, I had other reasons for being in London, at the time, so it wasn't a waste of a train ticket

So far, I've found that the aspies I've met have been no different IRL than on the boards, except shyer, sometimes, as you'd expect. It's been an enjoyable experience.  But, then,  I've heard of others having unpleasant experieces for much the same reason  *chuckle*



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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #64 on: August 26, 2007, 06:37:24 PM »
Walkie, if me and "Garnet"  ever find ourselves in the UK.  Your going to be one of the first people we let know of our travel plans.  As of now, it looks like Kota (from Fractalus) in Michigan will be the next aspie we meet.  Since thats the state where Garnet/Carla's family is based in.

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #65 on: August 26, 2007, 07:55:06 PM »
I just went to the first aspie one today that was the potluck and my boyfriend and I spent the whole entire time watching South Park season 10 on my Dad's laptop I brought along. I got to meet Furball and Lelia from WP. I only spoke to a couple aspies as a conversaton and one of them was oblivious to his condition too. He doesn't know anything about AS and he doesn't notice it he says and he has no clue how he is effected by it.

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #66 on: August 27, 2007, 03:05:35 AM »
I can say whatever I want about geeky guys who play RPGs, since I am one.   That is basically what most of my friends are as well.   I am not stereotyping them and yes they are attracted to women who aren't into games.   They just pine for women who are gamers, that is even more attractive to them.   It isn't just a stereotype for D&Ders or RPG geeks either.   People want to be around others who are into similar things.

I use statistics to make a point and maybe I stereotype here and there, but it is almost always based on some personal experience of mine.

girls are geeks too you know. all my childhood friends loved games, it was totally normal, noone was even called a geek cuz computer games were naturally considered great fun.

anyway, do you know any cute geeks? i LOVE geeky boys. they're the best. :P
« Last Edit: August 27, 2007, 03:11:27 AM by Pennywise »
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Offline Lucifer

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #67 on: August 27, 2007, 03:25:57 AM »
nope.  dunno what gave you that idea.
The way that some members claim to almost intimately know you. Anyway, who on here would you like to meet? (asides Odeon  :P)

i talk a lot to various other members, via PM, email, IM and phone, variously.  some people here, i've known for years, and probably spoken with more online than most people i know in the flesh, as it were.
I am of the school that you dont really know someone until you meet them in real life, i can never really figure people out online as well as in real life. In real life its a struggle, online its almost impossible.

you're entitled to your opinion, based on your own experience, naturally.  i can work people out very quickly, both online and irl, but then i've been trained to do so, and seem to have a natural bent for it to start with.  empathy of a house brick, but very intuitive, and have studied people and their behaviour for decades.
How come you got trained to do so, did you study psychology or something in that area? People do fit models, but I dont like to treat people in such a fashion when dealing with them. I like to hope for some quirks.

yes.  and still do.
Ok, what exactly have you figured me out as then? Lets see how close you are.

nope.  i knew you'd ask that.  and i'm not doing it for anyone else, either.  i do it as part of my job.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #68 on: August 27, 2007, 04:27:09 AM »
nope.  dunno what gave you that idea.
The way that some members claim to almost intimately know you. Anyway, who on here would you like to meet? (asides Odeon  :P)

i talk a lot to various other members, via PM, email, IM and phone, variously.  some people here, i've known for years, and probably spoken with more online than most people i know in the flesh, as it were.
I am of the school that you dont really know someone until you meet them in real life, i can never really figure people out online as well as in real life. In real life its a struggle, online its almost impossible.

you're entitled to your opinion, based on your own experience, naturally.  i can work people out very quickly, both online and irl, but then i've been trained to do so, and seem to have a natural bent for it to start with.  empathy of a house brick, but very intuitive, and have studied people and their behaviour for decades.
How come you got trained to do so, did you study psychology or something in that area? People do fit models, but I dont like to treat people in such a fashion when dealing with them. I like to hope for some quirks.

yes.  and still do.
Ok, what exactly have you figured me out as then? Lets see how close you are.

nope.  i knew you'd ask that.  and i'm not doing it for anyone else, either.  i do it as part of my job.
Up to you, I guess...

Offline vodz

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #69 on: August 27, 2007, 04:50:03 AM »
An aspie meetup...  :lol:

I've been to meetups for a computer nerd forum ( which I suppose would be similar. They were tough.
This brain could do with some more dimethyltryptamine.

What is the difference between ignorance and apathy? "I don't know and I don't care."

Offline McGiver

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2007, 05:35:40 AM »
how well did this 'alleged' london meetup workout?

was ascan and omega there?

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #71 on: August 27, 2007, 06:40:42 AM »

Offline McGiver

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #72 on: August 27, 2007, 06:41:25 AM »

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #73 on: August 27, 2007, 06:43:55 AM »
how well did this 'alleged' london meetup workout?

was ascan and omega there?
sorry. banned.  cannot read.
Cant you make a new acc, or have they IP banned you? In summary it went well they say, it seems Graelwyn was not asked about her thing. I dont think Ascan went, but no idea who Omega is on there so i couldnt say.

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Re: WP London meetup tomorrow?
« Reply #74 on: August 27, 2007, 06:46:23 AM »
how well did this 'alleged' london meetup workout?

was ascan and omega there?
sorry. banned.  cannot read.
Cant you make a new acc, or have they IP banned you? In summary it went well they say, it seems Graelwyn was not asked about her thing. I dont think Ascan went, but no idea who Omega is on there so i couldnt say.
i can't be arsed to open a new acc.  not really worth my time.

omega is hecate.