
Author Topic: Photo Thread.  (Read 192451 times)

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Offline Johnny

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4755 on: June 19, 2008, 07:02:45 PM »
They did our assessment just before real estate collapsed >:( 

 Hamden CT did it the fall of 2005, hit the very peak.

up here an old man down the road saw his triple, it was 13 years ago the last time they revalued the town and he used to be a working man, so might have done a lot to the place before he got old and frail.  

I had inside work to do on this place also, it felt good to see some sort of accomplishment for my work, used to drive a truck and there was no sense of accomplishment doing the job.

Offline Johnny

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4756 on: June 19, 2008, 07:11:52 PM »
Do all the work yourself?  Looks good

best thing about working on this place is who cares, anything i do is an improvement and when I catch myself getting anal about shit, I just get to say screw it, good enough. The picture where the wall was torn out because of rot also had a window on the side, I said who cares and deleted the window. Like why spend $150 on a new one, I will waste the money someplace else and who cares if there is a side window or not.


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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4757 on: June 19, 2008, 08:46:04 PM »
They did our assessment just before real estate collapsed >:( 
They assessed us and upped our valuation by a good bit, so I appealed it by mail. 

I used a foreclosed house in the neighborhood that sold recently for one of my comparables, because it was very similar to mine.

The assessor lowered the valuation even more than I asked them to this time.  That's a first for me.


I don't understand... I thought it was better to have a higher value house?

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4758 on: June 19, 2008, 10:12:18 PM »
They did our assessment just before real estate collapsed >:( 
They assessed us and upped our valuation by a good bit, so I appealed it by mail. 

I used a foreclosed house in the neighborhood that sold recently for one of my comparables, because it was very similar to mine.

The assessor lowered the valuation even more than I asked them to this time.  That's a first for me.


I don't understand... I thought it was better to have a higher value house?

That's certainly true if you are selling a house, or trying to refinance one and take out some of the equity, but they are talking about paying taxes on it, I think.

My house was recently re-assessed also. I was surprised at the increase. Fortunately, our tax rate did not go up as much as Indianapolis residences' rates. Those who live in the state capitol were hit twice; assessed at a high value and their individual rates increased quite a bit. Many people had to sell.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2008, 10:14:53 PM by DirtDawg »
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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4759 on: June 19, 2008, 10:14:12 PM »
You pay tax on your own house?

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4760 on: June 19, 2008, 10:25:58 PM »

Yes, we do and the critical factor for determining exactly how much tax is due each year is the value that the tax assessor decides the entire property is worth on the market.  Like Callaway pointed out, though, the assessors are not always up to date on local market trends.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4761 on: June 19, 2008, 10:38:34 PM »
Weird... I don't we pay tax on homes here. We do pay the local council (local government) "land rates" which is sorta like a tax, but it's based on the land, not the house or building on said far as I know.

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4762 on: June 19, 2008, 11:16:58 PM »
The states collect land taxes here, too, on vacant or farm land. It is quite a bit different if your property is a "homestead,"  though, which means that someone lives on the land. Any structures or improvements to the land are taxed and each level of government (county, city, state, township) takes a cut.

At our house, we have to pay extra taxes due to a higher assessment from the fact that we have two separate sinks in one of our bathrooms, for instance and padding under the carpet. I have an attached garage and that is of greater value than a separated garage, I have a concrete driveway, which is also greater in value than an asphalt driveway, The sidewalk leading up to the house is an exposed aggregate type of finish rather than raw concrete, again, more desirable and assessed at a higher value. My rear deck has a lattice roof, desirable. The alley is paved and maintained by the city, desirable. The streets have curbs, desirable.

It's actually about a forty page book that the tax guy writes on each homestead property. It's is only done fairly, if the current market is taken into account, though, along with a new inspection each time a re-assessment is done. Many people who stayed to fight through the last major increase found that the assessors did not do an inspection of every property, before the rates were increased. The state was cheating them! They were getting more money, but not doing the work of accurately assessing each property.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4763 on: June 19, 2008, 11:57:36 PM »
They did our assessment just before real estate collapsed >:( 
They assessed us and upped our valuation by a good bit, so I appealed it by mail. 

I used a foreclosed house in the neighborhood that sold recently for one of my comparables, because it was very similar to mine.

The assessor lowered the valuation even more than I asked them to this time.  That's a first for me.


I don't understand... I thought it was better to have a higher value house?

Like DirtDawg said, this is the assessed value for paying taxes on, not the actual market value, although the numbers are supposed to be close.

My house's market value is what someone is willing to pay for it, no more, no less.

Assessing it too high does not actually make someone willing to pay more for it, and assessing it too low does not make someone pay less for it.

So, I typically appeal every assessment if I think it's too high.

Offline Johnny

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4764 on: June 22, 2008, 04:45:43 AM »
on top of paying, the system is crooked in many places like where I used to live. They had most of the lower end working class housing either at or above what it could be sold for and the wealthier section of town houses where selling for a good bit over the appraised value.

I sold my moderate value home for just about appriased value, got very little over it amd the woman who bought it sold her other house for not even 80% of what it was valued at. She moved into a nicer neighborhood, bought a house for more than her old one and now pays less taxes than she did living in a declining neighborhood, not really a slum of ghetto, but where she left was getting pretty nasty.

Around the USA the tax rates on average houses can be down around $1,000 an in other places like $10,000 a year. It's mostly to fund schools which have become money pits bloated with all sorts of excessive labor and frills like expensive sports programs and crafts & hobby type nonsense pretending to be of educational value, plus all sorts of after school activities that are nothing more than free child care programs people push their kids to do so they have some adult supervision after school.

Swimming pools, skating rinks, tennis courts, everything but a golf course for the little darlings. Throw in food service, breakfast & lunch. Got me why people have kids, they turn them over to the government to raise, might as well add dorm rooms and do away with the busing.

Offline Johnny

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4765 on: June 22, 2008, 04:09:33 PM »
bubba life


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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4766 on: June 22, 2008, 08:52:19 PM »
Hey, if you need firewood and can drive to Maine, cut and haul it.  I have more than a few trees for you to cut and use at your disposal.  SERIOUSLY!   ;)

Offline Johnny

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4767 on: June 22, 2008, 10:16:31 PM »
Hey, if you need firewood and can drive to Maine, cut and haul it.  I have more than a few trees for you to cut and use at your disposal.  SERIOUSLY!   ;)

thanks but that little truck and the price of fuel sure wouldn't make it worth the trip from vermont.

hang onto them, they will probably become worth something soon and you could sell them standing for some good money to somebody that will take them down & away and pay you for them.

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4768 on: June 23, 2008, 08:33:35 AM »

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Re: Photo Thread.
« Reply #4769 on: June 23, 2008, 08:35:59 AM »
Quick it's the rainbow bridge to Valhalla  :o
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