Finally. I usually get to this thread by entering 'photo' into the search box, but lately searches have been taking forever and throwing up errors more often than not, like so:
Database Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
File: /home/odeon/public_html/Sources/Search.php
Line: 1339
Anyway, here's some pics I took with the camera on my mobile. It can manage a better resolution than is shown here, but it takes ages to process each pic at the highest quality setting.

This used to be open ground with shrubby trees and thick stands of tall weeds with pink flowers. I took this pic at the highest setting, and then switched to a lower setting when it took over a minute for my mobile to finish processing it.

Someone had left a bong.

This place is covered with old cans, broken glass and other crap. People here are terrible for littering everywhere, and it's always the nicest spots that end up becoming waste tips.

People had displayed their appreciation of nature.

There's a stream that's very overgrown with brambles and things, which keeps people from littering the more inaccessible parts of it. It's interesting, since the bedrock is exposed for long stretches and forms rock pools.

It's not very visible, but the stream is stained orange here from iron oxide leaching out of some exposed red sandstone.