Would be fun to do a seasons one.
Although it probably wouldn't make much difference in London :lol:
There is a really awesome Norwegian short film, shot on 65mm (large format), on that theme, called The year Along The Abandoned Road. If a cinema (an art house of some kind, most likely) ever shows it anywhere near where you live, you should see it. It's the best short film I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few.
Sounds really interesting, will try to get hold of it 
Unless they release it on DVD/Blu-Ray/something, don't hold your breath. I've wanted a print of that film ever since I first screened it at the Göteborg Film Festival in 1992. After that, I've only seen it when we've borrowed the original 70mm print for various special screenings.
But, if you have access to a (35/70) cinema, talk to the Norwegian Film Institute. Very nice, helpful people.