thanks peeps, for calling me pretty.

i was totally drunk when i posted those pics and didn't even remember. then i was like ohmygod i posted pics.

Has much changed in the past year, are you going to put slightly newer pics up (i know a shot last year would look quite different to this year for moi)
i'm gonna put new pics up if i ever take them. when i lose weight and stuff. i have to be thin to take pics and i've chubbied up.

although i was kind of chubby in those pics but thinner than i am now.
You are beautiful.
thanks, sweet cheeks.

Even tho she's a tad Emo...
it's all good 
i'm emo?

i'd like to think i'm goth, not emo. though i don't have a particular style.

wow spoken like a true eccentric 
Nothing eccentric about me.
'Twould imply that there was
some standard, for mine type.
wot's that mean?

am i your...type?