My daughter in her Halloween costume we had the mask my wife made the suit. How many 9 year old girls do you think would think this one up

I think it's cool. The funny thing is that the ONLY "holiday tradition" my kids really give a shit about is Halloween. All the other typical get-together events do nothing but stress all of us out, even my NT-ish wife. They are so overloaded the day BEFORE the Christmas family thing that they dread it and have no fun there.
Halloweeen allows them to dress up and be someone else, go outside between visits to other peoples houses, stop by and they give you candy and most importantly they get to leave immediately! They truly love Halloween.
Last year my son was William Wallace and made up his own costume ideas from drawings, but he got tired of carrying a sword. This year he wanted to be the Grim Reaper, but instead of carrying a scythe everywhere with him, he had the idea to just carry an hourglass to show people that their time was UP! I made him a simple hourglass out of clear plastic "Dixie Cups," coffee can lids and black aquarium sand.
Kids are so clever.