Benni: "Uh hello my name is Benni and I am addicted to Caffeine."Ryan: "This is a bible study."Benni: O_O "Oh S#!t" *runs away*
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i'll insult who ever the fuck i want you stupid motherfucker
uhh i thought they were ugly
the dude was making fun of me because i was buying a fleshlight.
he was bald and his wife was FAT sorry callaway, yer too nice
i saw no wrong in the picture. except Marge looked flat. richard you must have poor eyesight.what is a fleshlight? i can't even imagine.
Yes, I took it down. I'm here by choice, so say anything you want about me. I thought it uncalled for to bring someone else into it. I shouldn't have posted that picture in the first place.BTW, I don't have a fleshlight, I was just making conversation.
I've started some pics of my next makeup session, I need a better variety of colours, but here you go.