I honestly don't get the recent turn towards blokes being overly groomed. what happened to being appreciated for our weathered ruggedness? since when did straight men buy fucking facial scrubs and moisturiser?
Weathered describes me fairly well these days. I have tried a bunch of that shit in the past, at the request of (or under the influence of) girlfriends. I have had my hair "done" at a poodle parlor, had several manicures and even a pedicure once. I've had my back waxed, even went with a swimmers shave for a girl once. She did me up proud, too. She was into oil and slippery guys.
The weirdest thing I ever did was I bought my wife a chocolate immersion body cleansing and exfoliation (EXPENSIVE!). She talked me into trying it, too. I was
very clean, afterwards, but I sure smelled funny.