Author Topic: odeon's ask away-thread  (Read 105072 times)

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Offline Lucifer

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1125 on: February 05, 2008, 03:47:12 PM »
Joseph Conrad.  i haven't seen the film, but i believe brando was quoting conrad's most famous novel - "heart of darkness".  (i'm sure the O Meister will correct me if i'm wrong).

Apocalypse Now is (very) loosely based on that novel so you're not wrong.

well, dawg says i rarely am.  /still glowing from the compliment...

Dawg's rarely wrong. :)

OMFG!  dawg, we are the Correct and Right Aspie Pair!!

(a.k.a. CRAP).


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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1126 on: February 05, 2008, 03:49:18 PM »
Joseph Conrad.  i haven't seen the film, but i believe brando was quoting conrad's most famous novel - "heart of darkness".  (i'm sure the O Meister will correct me if i'm wrong).

Apocalypse Now is (very) loosely based on that novel so you're not wrong.

well, dawg says i rarely am.  /still glowing from the compliment...

Dawg's rarely wrong. :)

OMFG!  dawg, we are the Correct and Right Aspie Pair!!

(a.k.a. CRAP).


please to be explainink wherabouts of pi
You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having buttsex with a fish squirrel, congratulations.

politics and evil
all one and the same
satan hides behind
another name

Offline Lucifer

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1127 on: February 05, 2008, 03:50:03 PM »
it's in my thread.

stop being mainly a knob.  ::)

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1128 on: February 14, 2008, 05:06:38 PM »
Hey, Odeon,

What do think of this subwoofer design I've been working on for a while.

Sorry the pic is drawn up in Paint, but it just struck me that your comments would be fun.

All the black is solid MDF or filled crevaces loaded with expanding urethane foam.

The cyan color is the sealed compression chamber. It is tapered on all four sides like a pyramid, to remove any possibility of standing waves within the chamber, since there are no constrained parallel surfaces. Shaving the oustide dimensions also completes the expansion of the port/horn to maintain something close to an hyperbolic curve in the cross sectional area.

The magenta color is the tuned chamber, which makes this a fourth order enclosure. There are also no parallels. It is tuned by a simple port, typically, but my design is tuned by a small hyperbolic expansion, folded over itself similar to a horn (the white area).

The green color is actually a sealed isobaric chamber, which acts to couple the two (drivers) moving masses, but in a buffered manner as opposed to directly bolting the drivers face to face as with typical isobaric designs.  The two driver magnets are actually solidly connected by an MDF spacer to reinforce the non-moving structure and keep it as inert, non-resonant and rigid as possible. The isobaric chamber is a very solid, sealed unit with the driver diaphragms firing in opposite directions, but phased so that the diaphragms move as "one single piston".

The red arrows represent the dual airpath and the expansion of the port/horn. The expanding port should have a much broader range of resonance than a typical tube type port.

It's almost done in a half size, using six inch drivers, for a mock-up test.

BTW, I haven't invented anything. All these ideas were first explored by Bell Labs, Westinghouse and a few others in the 1920s, 30s and 40s. I have just combined the ideas into one, no holds barred, enclosure.

Oops. I tried to attach a bitmap. I'll try again.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2008, 05:10:09 PM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline odeon

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1129 on: February 14, 2008, 05:13:46 PM »
The cyan color is the sealed compression chamber. It is tapered on all four sides like a pyramid, to remove any possibility of standing waves within the chamber, since there are no constrained parallel surfaces. Shaving the oustide dimensions also completes the expansion of the port/horn to maintain something close to an hyperbolic curve in the cross sectional area.

I'll be very interested in seeing this (try a JPEG), but actually knowing that there are no parallel surfaces goes a very long way to ensure quality.

The auditorium of the cinema where I work is saved only by the no parallel surfaces (or straight angles) rules. The walls are way too hard and are anything but "dead", but the sound is just magnificent because of those simple rules.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1130 on: February 18, 2008, 07:40:15 AM »

Why am I so drunk? Dear God why?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1131 on: February 18, 2008, 01:01:07 PM »
The cyan color is the sealed compression chamber. It is tapered on all four sides like a pyramid, to remove any possibility of standing waves within the chamber, since there are no constrained parallel surfaces. Shaving the oustide dimensions also completes the expansion of the port/horn to maintain something close to an hyperbolic curve in the cross sectional area.

I'll be very interested in seeing this (try a JPEG), but actually knowing that there are no parallel surfaces goes a very long way to ensure quality.

The auditorium of the cinema where I work is saved only by the no parallel surfaces (or straight angles) rules. The walls are way too hard and are anything but "dead", but the sound is just magnificent because of those simple rules.


Do you inderstand whhat I am doing with this boxx?

I forgott to mention that the isobaric chamber is also broken up by smalll pyramids (knot shown in the graphic) of solid wood in a prime derived configuration, truncated from a sphere to the sixe, by volume, that I needed for these small drivers.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 01:04:48 PM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Lucifer

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1132 on: February 18, 2008, 01:02:01 PM »

Why am I so drunk? Dear God why?

don't call him god - some people on here will froth at the brain again.


Offline Lucifer

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1133 on: February 18, 2008, 01:02:51 PM »
The cyan color is the sealed compression chamber. It is tapered on all four sides like a pyramid, to remove any possibility of standing waves within the chamber, since there are no constrained parallel surfaces. Shaving the oustide dimensions also completes the expansion of the port/horn to maintain something close to an hyperbolic curve in the cross sectional area.

I'll be very interested in seeing this (try a JPEG), but actually knowing that there are no parallel surfaces goes a very long way to ensure quality.

The auditorium of the cinema where I work is saved only by the no parallel surfaces (or straight angles) rules. The walls are way too hard and are anything but "dead", but the sound is just magnificent because of those simple rules.


Do you inderstand whhat I am doing with this boxx?

oooooh, that sounds so hannibal lecter-ish.  i think you should put "mwahahahahahaha!" at the end.  :D

Offline odeon

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1134 on: February 18, 2008, 05:15:42 PM »

Why am I so drunk? Dear God why?

You're in the wrong thread. :laugh:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline odeon

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1135 on: February 18, 2008, 05:16:32 PM »
The cyan color is the sealed compression chamber. It is tapered on all four sides like a pyramid, to remove any possibility of standing waves within the chamber, since there are no constrained parallel surfaces. Shaving the oustide dimensions also completes the expansion of the port/horn to maintain something close to an hyperbolic curve in the cross sectional area.

I'll be very interested in seeing this (try a JPEG), but actually knowing that there are no parallel surfaces goes a very long way to ensure quality.

The auditorium of the cinema where I work is saved only by the no parallel surfaces (or straight angles) rules. The walls are way too hard and are anything but "dead", but the sound is just magnificent because of those simple rules.


Do you inderstand whhat I am doing with this boxx?

I forgott to mention that the isobaric chamber is also broken up by smalll pyramids (knot shown in the graphic) of solid wood in a prime derived configuration, truncated from a sphere to the sixe, by volume, that I needed for these small drivers.

I understand some of it. I'd still like to see pics.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1136 on: February 18, 2008, 06:20:26 PM »
The cyan color is the sealed compression chamber. It is tapered on all four sides like a pyramid, to remove any possibility of standing waves within the chamber, since there are no constrained parallel surfaces. Shaving the oustide dimensions also completes the expansion of the port/horn to maintain something close to an hyperbolic curve in the cross sectional area.

I'll be very interested in seeing this (try a JPEG), but actually knowing that there are no parallel surfaces goes a very long way to ensure quality.

The auditorium of the cinema where I work is saved only by the no parallel surfaces (or straight angles) rules. The walls are way too hard and are anything but "dead", but the sound is just magnificent because of those simple rules.


Do you inderstand whhat I am doing with this boxx?

I forgott to mention that the isobaric chamber is also broken up by smalll pyramids (knot shown in the graphic) of solid wood in a prime derived configuration, truncated from a sphere to the sixe, by volume, that I needed for these small drivers.

I understand some of it. I'd still like to see pics.

Oh, of course. I really need a camera.


Things are turning our way, lately. I should be able to get one soon. Some things I've put off too long still have to come first, though. You know how that shit goes.

Please don't think I'm a totally neglectful parent, though, like the cobbler's shoeless kids or the baker's starving kids. My kids are actually fairly well videographed. I shoot some tape most every week. It's an old analog VTR, though. The video images convert to CD or DVD, OK, but it doesn't make stills worth a crap.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Lucifer

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1137 on: February 21, 2008, 11:40:05 PM »
one more post, and...

go on, go on!

/waits with bated breath...

Offline Callaway

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1138 on: February 22, 2008, 12:01:03 AM »
one more post, and...

go on, go on!

/waits with bated breath...

It will be 18,000!


Offline Lucifer

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Re: odeon's ask away-thread
« Reply #1139 on: February 22, 2008, 12:20:15 AM »
one more post, and...

go on, go on!

/waits with bated breath...

It will be 18,000!


thank you, captain obvious.


