You are like a broken record, Al, repeating the same tired platitudes, half-truths and insults over and over and over again.
Sounds to me like I am able to show a level of consistency and evidence it with what has been said on here in the past. Whereas you have struggled to do the same. "broken record' sounds fine to me.
Why do you think I locked that thread?
It's clear to everyone why you locked the thread. You locked it directly after a post NOT from me but from DFG who pointed out your own hypocrisy in doing what you condemned in me. You are not good at introspection or taking responsibility. You did not like the torch shined on you.
It was that or the sinbin for you, and I had hoped you would take the message.
The message I suppose, being that having no luck in insulting me, lying about me, misrepresenting my positions, siding against me, modding me, sinbinning me, changing my profile, making threats and ultimatums.....that further threats of further censorship for not kowtowing to you and your shit behaviour, would "induce me" to capitulate? I mean that would seem the likely reading and so I have to question your sanity here. When did that EVER make sense to you?
Clearly you didn't.
Clearly I did not feel overly induced by your shitty treatment to give you any kind of respect, indulgence, gratitude, time of day, and such. Yes THAT would be a reasonable conclusion and if you believed anything other, then you are a complete idiot. I am happy for you to confess to either appraisal.
You're saying that I've moderated I2 more during the last six months than the last, what? five years? Actually, I haven't, but your perception--your opinion of me, basically--has changed. As a result, your entire narrative is flawed. You hate my guts now, so I am Alex Plank now.
Yup, that is exactly what I am saying. In comparable terms and given the level of activity and number of members the amount of censorship and moderation is hardly comparable. Moderation creep is something that only you can reign yourself back from. it has been noticed and not just by me. The things that were moderation worthy 5 years ago are still moderation worthy but things in much more recent times have been moderated that never were before. New undefined infractions not found in any terms of service nor spelt out anywhere. The locking of threads and modding as a way of the Admin having the last word on a discussion and now you are even trying to re-invent the narrative and misrepresent history in ways that can be disproven if anyone cares to look.
Yes, I am absolutely saying that you are censoring and moderating more than you normally would. I imagine that the first time you lie or over-censor or misrepresent, it is difficult to bring yourself to it, but after that, it gets easier and happens more quickly and with less need and so on. Only you can reign yourself back in from your behaviour.
As to, "hating your guts", don't be overly dramatic. I do not "hate your guts". I don't respect you though, and happy to call out your bullshit.
Here's the thing, though: you are the one hurting the board now, not me. You take every opportunity to deliver yet another underhanded comment, and you move your broken record here rather than stopping and moving on. If anything, I think I'm showing great restraint for not sinbinning you again. But if it comes to that or the board, guess what I'm going to choose?
Oh, this is very rich. Look at you go. Stop trying to re-write history, Jackass.
You decided to ignore all of Zegh's personal lowblows at me and nastiness but chose to insult me and chose Zegh's side, do you think this was a good choice or a bad choice?
* Do you think your choice to dismiss the suggestion that you was choosing a side of one member over another, only to basically admit to it 9 months later, was a good choice or a bad choice?
* Do you think after months of struggling to define your actual position (apart from what now looks like you just being mad and fed up and not actually having an argument as such) and yet alternatively reclarifying yourself, dropping premises, redefining definitions of words you used to be suggestive of some abstract position you could not be pinned on and generally misrepresenting and lying about positions, that not just admitting your real motive, was a good choice or a bad choice?
* Do you think you calling me a bigot was a good choice or a bad choice?
* Do you think that an intelligent person would expect that you doing so would not be taken positively by me or do you think an intelligent person would believe I would accept the insult happily?
* Do you think that it was a good idea to put the mod on me for arguing with you, or do you think that was a bad decision?
* Do you believe that an intelligent person would believe I would appreciate this or not?
* Do you believe that making unqualified and unquantified ultimatums about Peaguy (What are we ACTUALLY allowed to say or reference and what is the specific rule this breaks and what is the punishment and where can we reference all of this?) is a good choice or not?
* Do you believe recently fucking with me with the mod again (and then denying it), was a good choice or a bad choice?
* Do you believe an intelligent person would imagine that this would make me more inclined to believe you and trust you or less?
* Do you believe that sinbinning me recently and changing my avatar, Aspie Elite title and such was a good choice or a bad choice?
* Do you believe an intelligent person would believe that doing this would make me more inclined to be respectful, trusting, kind and courteous of him or less?
* Do you believe your efforts now, trying to re-write the narrative (despite history pointing the fact that the narrative is dishonest) is a good choice or a bad choice?
But in your imaginary world you have been restrained and "I" have been hurting the board. Get your fucking head straight. I have been a member getting along fine. I have been the same combative grumpy old sod I have been for the last 9 years only this last 12 months you have made a series of very bad decisions that have made a very bad situation worse. Your way of rectifying things is to
A) Tell me to drop it (No, go fuck yourself).
B) Double down and take no responsibility for the continual bad decisions you make to exacerbate things.
You have been driving this bus and with 12 or so active members you are warring with one, have ramped up your level of censorship, are now spreading propaganda to the remaining members over things they can check to confirm your misrepresentations and you have your foot flat on the accelerator with the cliff edge looming.
The only reason we are here and that this has gone so very badly is that your ability to manage this forum in the last 12 months has been subpar. You have not managed your members, your emotions, your consistency, your censorship level and transparency.
Hell, do you even see people speaking about Peaguy in code phrases or prefacing everything they say about him with a disclaimer because they fear repercussions and do not know where the line is or what is punishable by what and what will upset you in respect to talk of or about him? No one fucking knows because you are vague about this.
Are we allowed to say his name? Are we allowed to reminisce about some good things or mention him generally, talk about something important recently like his mother being operated on for Cancer and given a clean bill of health? Is it just not relaying messages or Youtube? I don't know and no one here does. We just know the threat of censorship is real. That is a bad start for open and free speech. Nor even for this imagined pub setting you have in your mind.
"There are no boundaries here over what may be said, save for one rule - be prepared to back up your words."..............Except if it upsets Odeon in some way and then you may be banned or modded or sinbinned or your threads locked and we are not sure what those specific trigger words are nor the boundaries around them. He in return can and will say what he likes and sees it as a perk of being an Admin.
Edited for PSMELLE to see questions asked