sorry i must have missed your 'evidence': what do i have to counter ? That most male teachers get accused of paedophilia.. that's an hard-one.
You win.
Good move, Kosmo.
You're fighting with a vector-thinker.
What Kosmo forgets to mention is he has an eigenvalue of 1.
That's basically what I am observing in your behavior. You seem to connect two points and after that, all else follows a single vector in your mind. You have everything completely figured and projected forward, represented by a single instance, you may have witnessed.

Or I am not used to justifying myself, maybe. Normally I dont have to, and I certainly dont have a collection of sources at my disposal. I have been getting away with not having to retort back for years now.
I am very competitive too.
And i don't like admitting i am wrong ( not IRL - but i dont mind so much on the internets).
A lot of people find this annoying - i would suggest you take up a sport or something (chess, poker), but a sport is better ( martial arts, tennis, whatever).
Oh I have had that cannot bear to lose complex for all my life, in cases it has governed me. I am probably going to start a martial art again when I go to uni, my problem is that I have laughable hand-eye co-ordination. As for chess, it bores me (I used to be really good at it, but that was back when I was about 5). Othello has taken my liking recently, but I am no expert on it. I think i am going to start a lot of stuff at freshers fair, whereever I end up.
Dawg, it probably will do. But I take time to change.