And any nice people here
Why aren't you willing to come clean on this matter? lol, the font I used is called poor richard
Fess up. No lies. No trying to sound PC and wanting to say or feel the right thing.
Do you care about the starving kids in Africa?
Do you often perve at people of the same P.I. if you consider yourself straight? (You needn't answer if you're gay or bi)
Do you feel guilty if you squash a bug?
If someone you hated died... would you laugh? Care? Pretend to care? Not care?
If Paris Hilton died in Jail what would you think?
Feel free to add more.
1. Yes, but I don't care much for some of the agencies that pretend to support them but spend most of the money on administrative costs.
2. Yes, I consider that normal.
3. Never, but our country is full of bugs, so you have to do it.
4. Death is final and that means you never get to see if the person got to learn a lesson from the error of their ways. When people are alive, at least there is hope that one day they might get their shit together and work themselves out.
5. See 4. If she died, then we would never know if one day down the track she worked out all the good she could do with some of her money.